I think I am getting better at folds in drapery! Also, I impressed myself by getting the upturned face pretty correct. I have a hard time with faces at odd angles. Its all a learning process! Fun. Sometimes very frustrating, but I love it.

PiderWitch Creations
I think I am getting better at folds in drapery! Also, I impressed myself by getting the upturned face pretty correct. I have a hard time with faces at odd angles. Its all a learning process! Fun. Sometimes very frustrating, but I love it.
I love Poppies. They’re almost like paper flowers that come with their own little fireworks display. When the pods are ripe, they explode seeds everywhere. How cool is that?
Another one done from a photo of a bust. Seems the classics had the women either naked and on full display or fully covered, prayerful and looking like the virgin Mary.
Thought it was about time to sketch something just because I love it. And I love birds!
So, at a certain level, I failed at this one. It was sketched from a photo of a bust. But, my pencil decided to make it more “human”. And since I really liked the way it came out, I decided to leave it as is. I may try again to duplicate the bust at another time.
This one was drawn from a picture of a statue. I know I have a picture of the whole statue somewhere, but I really liked this cut away of it.
I just really liked the picture I used when I drew this. A very retro looking image. I didn’t quite capture the smokey effect around the hat, but I gave it a good try.
Again, taken from a classic sketch. Wanted to try something other than people for a change.
The latest sketch drawn from a picture of a bust. I don’t know who did the bust as I found it on the internet. It looked like it would be fun to do and though I don’t have the head tilt completely accurate, I am getting better at it.
Been working more on practicing copying classic sketches. I’m rather proud of this one. I got really close to the picture I was copying from. Had to make some changes on one of the sides when I realized the proportions were a bit off. But, that is part of the learning process.