Sketch and New Painting Start

Last night while I was watching TV, I did some sketching. Found a photo of one of our dear little red squirrels and it became my subject.

Today, I did a quick layout for a painting I have running around in my mind. I’ll try and keep posting on these things so it follows the progress of it. The base is done in acrylic and I will follow it with oil. Very rough at this point and it can go in a number of different directions.

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

I did this one from a piece of art I found online that looked like a challenge. I was told one way to get better is to try and copy the masters. Though I didn’t copy it exactly, I think I did a pretty good job. I know, I’m nowhere near his level of art, but I’m learning!

The artist is Joszi Arpad Koppay (Austro/Hungarian, 1857-1927) Alas, I can’t read any of the journal on him, but there is a pretty nice collection of his work at for any interested in looking at it.